How to Stay Motivated Once the Initial Excitement Fades
13 Sep. 2018
You finally started the new business and you’re set to change the world. The gym is your
5 Reasons Why I Choose Freedom Over Money
11 Sep. 2018
Since I can remember being able to think for myself, money consumed my goals, thoughts and
The Top 11 Books That Changed My Life
6 Sep. 2018
I am thankful for my two degrees in marketing and finance, but the moment I started readin
Every Time You Look Up You Will See Me Winning
4 Sep. 2018
5 keys to winning in life Brian Turner @brianbturner Marie Simmons taught me t
3 Reasons Why You Need an Accountability Coach
29 Aug. 2018
It’s not enough to say what you’re going to do, you have to take action. But it is har
Why I Stay Uncomfortable and Love It
24 Aug. 2018
5 ways to bust out of your comfort zone Brian Turner @brianbturner We
Why You Must Start a Business?
16 Aug. 2018
Don’t do it! It’s too risky, it takes a lot of work, and you may fail. But what if I t
Discipline for the Win
10 Aug. 2018
Kids need love and it’s often shown in the most unloving ways. It is critical for parent
Who Leaves Dog Poop on the Ground?
6 Aug. 2018
People need to learn that their actions affect other people. So when your dog poops and yo
Why I Cut Off the News?
31 Jul. 2018
“You have to watch the news. How else will you know what’s going on in the world,” s