How can you just leave a good, safe, secure job and why would you want to do that?
Playing it safe
You’ve made it so just sit back, chill and enjoy life. Well it’s hard to chill if you feel you have a bigger purpose in life. Also, if you have a plan and believe, there is no reason why you should not achieve all your goals even if no one else understands. One thing that I don’t get is that we are supposed to be a faithful people, yet we lack the faith in self. We say we trust in a higher being, but yet we don’t trust that we will get help during tough times. Quitting a lucrative job with guaranteed benefits and going into an unknown situation is a very hard decision, but with struggle comes victory!
What’s your talent?
We all have talents and things that we are passionate about, yet we never take a risk and do it because we choose to take the safe or comfortable route. But what is safe when we live in an economy/world when things go wrong with a major company, the poor and middle class get fired?
We all have talents and gifts, yet some choose to use it and others don’t. And some say, well I took a chance in the past and it did not work out for me. Well if you quit, you gave up to soon. Bumps in the road are bound to happen and you may need to change your strategy and try a new direction. But never quit!! And that’s why books, attending seminars, and hanging around like minded people are so important. Books act as guides, seminars offer new ideas, and hanging with like-minded people offer motivation (which we need to keep going forward).
It’s never too late
Some adults may say that it’s probably too late for me; I have kids, I don’t have a college degree, or I don’t make enough money. Some kids will say: my parents are not around, I can’t find a job, or I’m not smart enough. Excuses, excuses will continue to hold you back. Remember that struggles and setbacks make you stronger if you choose to take the positive approach to life. It’s two ways to approach any situation; you can be reactive or proactive. A reactive person lets the circumstances dictate the results. A proactive person dictate the results despite the circumstances. The bottom line is negative things are going to happen to all of us whether it is: death, loss of job, accidents, etc. The individuals that seem to recover from negative situations are the ones who seem to be positive despite the circumstances. A possible attitude and approach to life will always lead to positive results.
I used to think that I am suppose to struggle and be poor my whole life. I used to think that some are more blessed and luckier than others. But now I know that “success isn’t based on luck or chance. Real success is a matter of finding yourself and building upon what you find.” I believe we all have talents and we must use those talents to be successful, because the more success we achieve, the more we can help others.